The electronic participation strategy of Jihad Agricultural Organization of South Khorasan province
Jihad Keshavarzi Organization of South Khorasan province, in line with its organizational mission, tries to provide high-quality services to the audience in a decent manner and within the framework of its legal duties, with a central plan, a systemic view, research support and expertise. Our organizational vision is that To always be known as one of the best organizations in serving the people. Providing scientific, accurate, expert, up-to-date and honest services within the framework of the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran is at the top of our organizational values.
Every organization needs the full attention of its audience in order to achieve its goals, execute its missions and provide services to the people. Obviously, without people's attention and without receiving feedback from two-way interactions, it becomes difficult and impossible to choose service delivery strategies. In other words, it is possible to provide the service properly when the audience expresses their satisfaction with receiving the service, completes their interaction and participation. An organization is more successful in providing service if it can receive the opinions, suggestions and criticisms of its audience and based on that, adopt appropriate strategies to obtain satisfaction within the framework of the law.
In this direction and in order to attract people's participation, the Jihad Agricultural Organization of South Khorasan Province considers it necessary to collect the opinions, suggestions and criticisms of the people, especially from the elites, experts, experts, managers and experts of the public executive bodies, and the resulting strategies to Improve the quality of services. Jihad Keshavarzi Organization of South Khorasan Province has put interaction and information exchange with people and executive bodies at the top of its agenda.
This organization exposed all its issued regulations, including plans, bylaws, directives and executive regulations, to public criticism for 2 weeks through its electronic portal, and after receiving constructive opinions and criticisms from the people, It will be corrected and then notified.
All citizens can send their requests, complaints and suggestions through the service desk menu to the systems of "Responding to Complaints" and the system of "Suggestions and Criticisms" which are placed under the same title in the information base of the organization. and receive tracking code. Received requests are automatically sent to the relevant specialized units and responses are entered in the system. Citizens can receive their answer using the tracking code.
Citizens can submit their requests through "Communication with the head of the organization" which is placed under the same title in the information base of the organization. Received requests are automatically sent to the relevant specialized units and responses are entered in the system.
Citizens can receive the organization's introduction menu / contact information section of the organization "contact us" / telephone numbers, e-mails of the managers and officials of the organization and communicate with the mentioned people.
Citizens can send their opinions to the organization through the menu of public relations and announcements or the menu of Mir Khemvit to the option of "service survey" which is placed under the same title in the information base of the organization.
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